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French Bulldog Puppies

Updated 1/31/25


Planning a litter from her sister, Boo,  Spring 2025! 

GENERAL PUPPY INFORMATION: By the time puppies go home, they will have had a veterinary health evaluation as well as their first set of shots and a worming. To reserve a pup, a puppy contract must be signed and a non-refundable deposit paid. The puppy contract includes a one-year health gaurantee. Parents have been DNA tested for heritable health problems, and have also been chosen for good open nostrils (nares) for easy breathing, a trait that is not always common in brachycephalic (short nosed) dogs. We make every effort to produce healthy pups free of health problems. ​


All names I have given the puppies are purely for identification. New owners can choose their own names. 

I am always happy to answer questions!
Please email at or text at 509-386-7920.

Angel - SOLD

Blue and Tan Merle Female
Angel 3.jpg
Angel top 2wk.JPG

 We decided to call this little girl Angel because of the light mark on her forehead that looks little like wings. And we think that she is such a sweet little angel that it fits her in general as well. I am very impressed with her conformation as she grows. I think she is going to have a beautiful wide head with well placed ears. She also take more after her dad with a shorter, more coby body. She is going to be a stunner I think. She is a bouncy happy girl, but can be a little more tentative about new things. But has a sweet countanance. 

Spot - SOLD

Blue and Tan Male
Spot 2.jpg
Spot Purple spot 2wk.jpg

This cute little guy is another chunka monka! Spot might seem like a funny name for a solid blue puppy - until you look under his collar! One tiny white SPOT. So we had to go with that. That spot has ended up fading as he got older but now he's spot to us. This little guy is very short and compact, and I love his ear set.

Bargey Margey - SOLD

Blue and Tan Merle Female
bargey 2.jpg
Bargey Margey top 2wk.jpg

Bargey Margey got her name from a Mastiff we once had who barged through everyone and everything to  get attention. Well this little Bargey Margey is very similar, always so excited when someone comes to see her! She is just a very outgoing, happy girl. 

Daffodil - SOLD

Blue and Tan Female
Daffodil 5wk.jpg
Daffodil face 2wk.jpg

This little girl is also on the small side but growing well and such a sweety. We named her Daffodil after the bright yellow ID collar we gave her. She is not show much of her tan points yet, but those will come in over time. She has such cute small ears, just love them. 

Jerry - SOLD

Blue and Tan Male
Jerry 5wk.jpg
Jerry Green face 2wk.jpg

This cute little guy is a round chunky little butter ball! He got his name when we had some friends visiting, and one of them decided that this guy looked like a Jerry, and so Jerry he is. You can see the tan starting to come in on his foot so I think he will have fairly distinctive tan points when he's older.

Reddington - SOLD

Blue and Tan Male
Reddington 5wk.jpg
Reddington face 2wk_edited.jpg

Cute little rolly polly guy. I've been rewatching "The Blacklist" series and one of the main character's name is Raymond Reddington. After I gave this guy a red collar I thought what a great name for a red collared puppy! 

Past Puppies from our kennel

Rosie 6wks stand.JPG
Shrek 6wks 1.JPG
Redgie 6wks 3.JPG
Violet 8wks 4.JPG
Ranger 8wks 1.JPG
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